Five Common Ways You Damage Your Eyes; Avoid Them Now

The eyes are very vital sense organ to humans including animals, therefore it is expected that we take good care of the eyes.

It will be fair to note that a significant percentage of people in the world are ignorant of certain habits or characters that affect the eyes. These habits most times led to poor vision or total blindness.

In this post, I will highlight Five (5) day-to-day habits that affect the performance of the eyes and possible ways to prevent eye problems.

5 Habits that Affects the Eyes Performance

1. Contact Staring at smartphone Screen.

If you are the type that spends most of your time on smartphones, it is advisable that you drop for a while (at least 10-20 minutes) to give your eyes a break.

Basically on the issue of tiny text. Stressing your eyes well enough to read the small letters on your mobile phone can gradually result in serious problems with the eyes.

While you practice this, you should also know that steady eye contact on screens can result to dry eyes, blurred vision, dry eyes, dizziness.

2. Watching TV in the dark.

Yes, watching TVs late at night is a common issue, a lot of people prefer to watch home movies at night than during the daytime, the reasons being that the night is so quiet. Sadly, these habits hunt the eyes.

While you watch in the night, your eyes work very hard to process the changes in the levels of light coming from the TV, which of course, can lead to red eyes,  eyestrain, headaches, dry eyes, and a lot more.

Also, it is not advisable to read in dim light, because you will end up stressing the eyes when you try to do so. Secondly, you can get red eyes, and discomfort.

3. Sleeping with lenses or contacts.

On no account should you sleep with your eye lenses? It takes less or no effort to remove and place them in the right place before going to bed.

Sleeping with your lenses on posies more risk of getting eye infections, perhaps result in permanent damage.

Analysis by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, reportedly noted that about one million American citizens on yearly basis visit eye doctors, on the issues of eye infections from wearing contacts.

4. Constant Rubbing of the eyes.

Most times, we notice some particles in the eyes, and it irritates. We can’t just help it at the moment rather than to rub them.

Rubbing the eyes too hard is not a good option, as it can break the blood vessels under the eyelids.

5. Regular Use of Eyedrops.

Loudly, it's been preached all over the world at large to avoid the constant usage of eyedrops. The can trigger several eye issues when used often.

This also was echoed by the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO). The warned that eyedrop that are prescribed by the right personnel, don't actually improve the health of your eye. AAO recommended that the usage of eyedrops should only be for a short period of time.

Ways to Avoid Eye Problems and Care For the Eyes

As you have seen that, certain habits we enjoy doing most really hunts our eyes. Provided that you are not totally blind, there are still remedies to your eye problems.

Here are ways to avoid issues with your eyes.

1. Enlarge the text size on your phone, big enough for the eyes read without stress.

2. Always use a good reading light to study at night hours.

3. Remember to put off your night contacts or lenses and use extra contact solution.

4. It is better you apply a cold compress to smoothen irritated eyes, rather than rubbing them.

5. Drink plenty of water.

6. Eat foods that are rich in Vitamin A, E, and C such as eggs, citrus fruits, fish, sweet potatoes and others.

7. Follow the doctor’s prescription for any eyedrop, and desist from them immediately you notice irritation, an eye rash or any other issue.

8. Always visit the eye clinics for any issue or advice.

9. Go for eye examination regularly, if possible.

10. Good exercise can help too.

Final Words

A stitch in time saves nine, they said. Whatever you do, it is necessary that you consider the wellbeing of your eyes in the process. The eyes are very important, do not lose yours.

Whenever you notice an unusual and unexplainable sign in the eyes, go for a professional check and advice. Do not be your own optician, the eyes are very important for your living!.

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