Five (5) Most Nutritious Food You Should Eat Everyday

There's no better way to maintain a healthy living other than eating foods that are rich in nutrients. Yes, no one will ever prefer taking drugs to the benefits of eating good foods, not to talk of the price consideration.

A lot health issues can be addressed or prevented through nutritious foods, and more interestingly, eating is very easy. We can possibly get rid of our body weights and fats through eating certain foods. So, it is necessary you make sure you’re taking the right foods for your health.

Today, we have made a comprehensive list of nutritious foods you ought to eat, and the possible ways to added them to your meals.


Spinach is a greenish but less nutritional wallflower that certainly helps to build health muscles. It is one among the plant foods richly endorsed with folate and  omega-3s, which help to mitigate the chances of suffering from stroke, heart disease, and osteoporosis.

Additionally, Folate increases the blood circulation to the nether regions, ensuring that you will be protected from age-related sexual issues. Spinach also, contain lutein which helps to fights against macular degeneration (and could possibly help your sex drive).

Alternative to Spinach: Bok Choy, Kale, Romaine Lettuce.

Eat With: You can add spinach to your salads; add spinach also to scrambled eggs; drape it over your pizza; also mix spinach to marinara sauce and add to microwave for instant dip.


Yogurt helps to boost the performance of your immune system. Actually, fermentation involved with yogurt help to trigger hundreds of thousands of probiotic organisms that helps to reinforce millions of beneficial bacteria in your body.

Although, not every yogurts are probiotic, you need to make sure the product label reads "live and active cultures,” before going for it. Also, Yogurt helps to protect your system from the chances of getting cancer.

Alternative to Yogurt: Soy Yogurt, Kefir.

Eat With: Yogurt can serve as dessert when added to walnuts, blueberries, honey, and flaxseed. Plain low-fat yogurt is an ideal to cream and dress your salad.


Yes!, i believe a lot of people enjoy the tasty tomatoes but surely, there are things you do not know about the tomatoes.

Red tomatoes are perfect food, in the sense that, they are packed with a whole lot of antioxidant lycopene.

Secondly, the processed tomatoes are so good, just like the fresh ones. This is because lycopene content is likely to be absorb easily by the body since they have been processed. Analysis, proves that any diet rich in lycopene content can reduce the risk of coronary artery disease as well as skin, prostate, bladder, stomach and lung cancer.

Alternative to Tomatoes: Pink Grapefruit, Guava, Paw Paw, Japanese Persimmon, and Red watermelon.

With Eat: Pile on the ketchup and Ragú; guzzle low-sodium V8 and gazpacho;


Carrots, and other Yellow, Red or Orange coloured fruits and vegetables are richly endorsed with carotenoids.

Bonus: Carotenoids is a fat-soluble compound that is essential for the wide range reduction of cancers, and the severity and risk of inflammatory conditions like rheumatoid arthritis, asthma. More interesting. Carrot has a lower caloric density than other foods with this nutrient, and also, it is very easy to prepare too.

It is also noted that carrot supports the perfomance of the eyes. While it is important to note that your eyes is very vital for your living, there are certain habit we do regularly that drastically cause problems to your eyes.

Alternative to Carrot: Pumpkin, Mango, Yellow Bell Pepper, Butternut Squash, and Sweet potato.

Eat With: Sliced raw yellow pepper, Baked sweet potato, Raw baby carrots, Butternut squash soup, Carrot cake, Pumpkin pie, and Mango sorbet.


Blueberries has much more antioxidants than other fruit of its kind. Blueberries helps to prevent the chances of diabetes, cancer, and most of the age-related memory changes (so, it got the nickname "brain berry").

Also, Blueberries are richly spiked with fiber, vitamins A and C, and also helps to improve the cardiovascular health.

Alternative to Blueberry: Prunes, Purple grapes, Strawberries, Raisins, Acai berries.

Eat With: Blueberries are likely to do well in their jam, dried, frozen, form.

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